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Corporate Social Responsibility

At Ashwood Solicitors, our comprehensive range of legal services is designed to help business and personal clients with legal needs. We have a specialist team of legal experts that are on hand to advise and help you with a wide range of legal matters.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Ashwood Solicitors, our comprehensive range of legal services is designed to help business and personal clients with legal needs. 


0161 248 4444


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Our Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility is what we strive to achieve and contribute to with our business practices. We aim to encourage all of our staff and clients to play their part in making a positive difference to our community and the lives of others.

Behaving responsibly and contributing toward minimising our business’s impact on the environment and improving the quality of the local community is paramount within our internal Corporate Social Responsibility.

Over the past couple of years, the team at Ashwood Solicitors have been able to nail down the essential parts of our business’s responsibility; for example, we are proud of the enthusiasm and dedication our staff have had when working with a number of worthwhile causes.

Environmental policy

When considering our impact on the environment, the team at Ashwood Solicitors are striving to:

  • To encourage environmental responsibility amongst our contracts, suppliers, and staff.
  • Include environmental considerations in our purchasing and procurement processes.
  • To minimise our consumption of natural resources and manage waste through responsible.
  • Disposal, reuse, and recycling, including paper and ink cartridges.
  • Staff are encouraged not to print documents or to print documents double-sided.
  • To minimise our use of electricity by ensuring all electrical equipment is turned o when not in use.

The environment is something that we should all treasure, which is why the initiatives above have been implemented into our business practices.

Reducing our impact on the environment is crucial, which is something we are dedicated to; when educating our staff and suppliers, we will be using organisational decisions to help us achieve this goal.

Minimising our environmental impact will come when embracing new technologies and inspiring our staff to make conscious decisions continuously and how each person can take an environmentally friendly approach.

Community policy

The effect a business has on a community can make all the difference in how socially responsible they are. At Ashwood Solicitors, our goal is to have an impact on the community around us by implementing strategies that contribute to how we apply teamwork and the ways in which we practice law.

When considering our impact on the community, our teams are striving to:

  • Support our community. Working within the community can be very rewarding, which is why at Ashwood Solicitors, we strive to use our skills when supporting people and businesses within our community.
  • Allow members of sta reasonable time o work to enable them to undertaken charity work. Working with charities is imperative and we want our team to be actively involved in raising funds for local and national charities.
  • We want to encourage sta to do two hours of pro bono work a week. This means we are able to help those legal cases which do not qualify for public funding or where the client cannot afford to pay for our services privately.
  • Our respect for diversity shows through every aspect of what we do, but we want to encourage diversity at entry level. Our aim is to eliminate unconscious bias at every stage of the recruitment process to ensure candidates are selected on merit alone.
  • Our immigration and housing teams run a number of free legal clinics throughout the local community, providing initial advice to those why may not otherwise be able to access solicitors. Some are also involved in local charities assisting asylum seekers.

Community policy

The effect a business has on a community can make all the difference in how socially responsible they are. At Ashwood Solicitors, our goal is to have an impact on the community around us by implementing strategies that contribute to how we apply teamwork and the ways in which we practice law.

When considering our impact on the community, our teams are striving to:

  • Support our community. Working within the community can be very rewarding, which is why at Ashwood Solicitors, we strive to use our skills when supporting people and businesses within our community.
  • Allow members of sta reasonable time o work to enable them to undertaken charity work. Working with charities is imperative and we want our team to be actively involved in raising funds for local and national charities.
  • We want to encourage sta to do two hours of pro bono work a week. This means we are able to help those legal cases which do not qualify for public funding or where the client cannot afford to pay for our services privately.

Aims for our Corporate Social Responsibility

Our main goal over the coming years is to integrate our Corporate Social Responsibility into everything that we do at Ashwood Solicitors. With plans to work on joint initiatives with our clients where, in partnership, our impact will be greater. Looking to the future, our aim is to use specialist skills and expertise to give back to those who may not be able to access advice or legal help.

At Ashwood Solicitors, we will actively be encouraging our legal sta and larger clients to get involved with our Corporate Social Responsibility wherever possible. By recognising how we can integrate our services into the community, we will be committed to conducting ourselves with contributions to the social and local communities we are surrounded by. Together, as a business and a community, we’re ensuring that we can contribute to a sustainable society in which we are actively involved.

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