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What Is The Process For Asylum In The UK?

There are many reasons someone might want to apply for asylum in the United Kingdom. Perhaps they are fleeing persecution or violence in their home country or may have experienced human rights abuses. Whatever the reason, applying for asylum can be complex and daunting.

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Ashwood Solicitors

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What Is The Process For Asylum In The UK?

What is asylum, and who is eligible for it?

Asylum is a type of protection that can be granted to people who are fleeing persecution or serious harm in their home countries. You must show that you are unable to return to your country of origin safely because of your race, nationality, religion, political viewpoint, or membership in a particular social group in order to qualify for asylum.

If you are granted asylum, you will be allowed to stay in the UK indefinitely and will be permitted to work. You will also have access to free healthcare and education. After five years, you may be eligible for permanent settlement in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’).

What is the process of applying for asylum?

Initial contact & screening interview

The first step in applying for asylum is to contact the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) office in your home country and make an appointment to attend a screening interview. During this interview, you will be asked about your reasons for wanting to come to the UK and your circumstances. You will also be fingerprinted and have your photograph taken.

Application for asylum

After your screening interview, you will be given an application form to complete. This must be returned to the UKVI office within 28 days.

Once your application has been received, it will be considered by an immigration officer. If they decide you are eligible for asylum, you will be called for an interview with another immigration officer. This is known as a ‘substantive interview’.

Substantive interview

During the substantive interview, you will be asked about your reasons for wanting to come to the UK and your circumstances in more detail. You may also be asked about your journey to the UK and any family members or friends you have here.

After your substantive interview, the immigration officer will decide on your application. If they decide that you are eligible for asylum, you will be given a ‘positive decision’ and granted indefinite permission to stay in the UK. If they decide you are not eligible for asylum, you will be given a ‘negative decision’.

Appealing a negative decision

If you receive a negative decision, you can appeal against it. The appeals process is complex, so it is important to get advice from a qualified immigration solicitor before you appeal.

Tips for improving your chances of a successful application

  1. Make sure you have a well-founded fear of persecution in your home country. This is the most important factor in determining whether or not your application will be successful.
  2. Gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This can include letters from family or friends, medical records, police reports, and any other documentation supporting your claim.
  3. Give solid reasoning as to why you cannot go back to your home nation. The UK government will want to know why you believe you would be persecuted if you were to return home.
  4. Make sure you have a strong case before applying for asylum. The process can be long and difficult, so you must have a strong case before you begin.
  5. Work with a qualified solicitor who can help you with your application. This is often the best way to ensure that your application is successful.

How Ashwood Solicitors can help

Due to the short deadlines involved in applying for asylum, we always recommend that you find a solicitor as soon as possible. At Ashwood Solicitors, our diverse team of asylum solicitors are ready to navigate you through the process of asylum in the UK.

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